Welcome Parents
At Vista Preparatory Academy we believe that parents are key components to the success of our students and our school. We look forward to having you as part of the Vista Prep community. Please review the parent resources below.
Welcome Center
Our Welcome Center is located in the Main Office on the Vista Prep campus. You will find more information about our program, including enrollment procedures, and can talk with our staff.
Parent Club
Vista Preparatory Academy’s Parent Club meets once a month in the Vista library at 6:30 pm. The Parent Club works with the school and staff to plan events and provide resources and educational experiences for the continuing high-quality education Vista Prep offers.
ABI/Parent Portal
ABI provides parents with the ability to check on how a student is performing in his/her classes at any time. Your student’s grades and attendance are recorded by the school in ABI, and you can check it from your home computer or smartphone. Now you don’t have to wonder if your child is doing well in class, you can have confidence in knowing the answer. Click Here to Login

Site Council and School Board Meetings
Our Site Council is an important and necessary school decision making team. The Red Bluff Union Elementary School District Board of Trustees meets monthly during the school year. We welcome your support and participation. For more information please come to the Welcome Center or contact Vista Prep at 527-7840 or our District Office at 527-7200.
DELAC (District English Language Advisory Council)
Vista Preparatory Academy and Red Bluff Union Elementary School District (RBUESD) is dedicated to providing the support and resources necessary for the academic English proficiency of all district English Learner Students. Parents are encouraged to participate in our District English Learner Advisory Council meetings. Visit our district website for meeting dates/times and more information.